One if by Land, Two if by Sea

Listen my children and you shall hear
Of the midnight ride of Paul Revere,
On the eighteenth of April, in Seventy-five;
Hardly a man is now alive
Who remembers that famous day and year.
So how is everyone's recollection of history class? A quick visit to Boston is a great way of refreshing your memory, let me tell you! We braved the rain on Sunday to see the sights of the north end of Boston - including the above statue of Paul Revere. Depite the rain, it was a great day of walking all around the city. From the north end to Boston Common and the Public Garden up Newbury Street to where we were picked up by the shuttle to the hotel. So much to see in such a small area.
Today was a bit different. Today was work. We took a cab to Tufts University for a full day of talking to all the crazy service-oriented kids. Our first onstacle of the day was getting a cab to actually come to the hotel during rush hour. Ha Ha! It only took half an hour! But once we made it there, we ran into a new obstacle - our large unfolding display was too tall for the ceiling. Oops. Luckily, we have some yo-yos and string on a yo-yo can evidently come in very handy when you need to improvise a way of setting up a giant display so that it isn't quite its full size... Here's a pic:

Yeah, I was pretty proud of myself for that!
After the table in the student center, we participated in a panel discussion about Teaching Abroad. We're on video in the Tufts Career Services office if anyone is ever here and wants to hear more about options when considering teaching English overseas.
One more picture - this one is really mostly just interesting to me. But this is a picture of me (attempting to look appropriately serious) with the headstone of my 8xs or so great grandfather, the founder of Hadley, Mass, and Governor of Connecticut in 1659. C'mon, that's just crazy stuff....

I was there back in 1995! Love the serious photo face.
Melanie_Gentz, at 10:19 AM
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